I am myself (which means I’m freak)


I’ve always been a little freak

Used to those who like

To laugh at us

Who are little different

Not so popular

More like nobody, know the feeling?


Like last Monday

Walking the same way to school

As I always do

Trying to be less strange

This time

Didn’t success

Well whatever


It’s just…


I am

Too fat to be thin

Too heavy to fly

Too freak to be loved

Too insane to ever be sane


But at least I’m myself

So haters…

How about “Go fuck yourself?”


Well I’ve always liked wrong bands

Done wrong things

Wore fucking weird way

Act like invalid

Laugh like a freak, freak, freak


Yeah I’m fucking freak!


So let’s say I’m


Too geek to be though

Too loser to win anything

Too suicidal to be alive

But too alive to be dead



I am myself

Fuck the haters

(Fuck the haters, yes indeed. Omistettu kouluni ihanille oppilaille, kiitos ja kuolkaa.)